MDGH - Best Western Hotel - Restaurant MDGH - Best Western Hotel - Restaurant Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/21/2018 Rating: 5
MDGH Review: Buka Restaurant MDGH Review: Buka Restaurant Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/21/2018 Rating: 5
MDGH: Bistro 22 MDGH: Bistro 22 Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/09/2018 Rating: 5
MDGH: Polo Club Restaurant MDGH: Polo Club Restaurant Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/04/2018 Rating: 5
Name of Establishment Vine  Location Airport  Type of Establishment Lounge Was the restaurant’s outside appearance attractive? ...
MDGH: Vine Accra MDGH: Vine Accra Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/03/2018 Rating: 5
Photo Credit : Vine Accra Name of Establishment Vine Location Airport Type of Establishment Lounge Was the restaurant’s outsid...
MDGH: Vine Accra MDGH: Vine Accra Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/03/2018 Rating: 5
Photo Credit :@lovecafekwae Name of Establishment Cafe kwae Location Airport Type of Establishment Casual Eatery/ Patio Style W...
MDGH: Cafe Kwae MDGH: Cafe Kwae Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/02/2018 Rating: 5
MDGH: Bourbon House Cafe MDGH: Bourbon House Cafe Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/01/2018 Rating: 5
MDGH: Vine Accra MDGH: Vine Accra Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/01/2018 Rating: 5
MDGH: Goethe Institute MDGH: Goethe Institute Reviewed by Mystery Diner Ghana on 3/01/2018 Rating: 5